Harewood Ward

linda chen


Linda grew up in Christchurch and attended two primary schools in the Harewood area. She still lives in the Harewood ward and, along with her husband, Robin, is bringing up their two young children in the area.

This is Linda’s second term as a Harewood Board member on the Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board. She believes Harewood has so much to offer and the residents in this community deserve the best. To her, this means having safer roads, better facilities for people of all ages and a cleaner environment not only for current residents but also for future generations.

Consequently, Linda’s interests are in future development and upgrading the living standards of all the residents in the community.

Linda has almost ten years of experience in the banking industry and is now working in tertiary education within the financial industry. As someone who focuses on helping people, she is passionate about listening and finding the right solutions for families and businesses in the community. She also feels strongly that Harewood residents need to be well informed on the use of the council's budget to make sure funds are allocated appropriately.

Linda believes that this role is about working with people and finding the best solutions going forward.


Jason Middlemiss


Jason is a first term community board member representing Harewood. Jason’s background is in Finance. He is currently working in the corporate sector as a Chartered Accountant but has previously worked in Public practice in New Zealand, Australia and the UK.

Jason’s primary reason for standing for community board was to provide a local, professional voice to represent Harewood’s views and work effectively alongside the other members of Harewood’s Ward and the wider community board.

His particularly interested in ensuring that infrastructure and community assets are well maintained and supporting the many community groups and organisations that are the social fabric of the area wherever he can.